Rantings, Writings, Poetry, Etc...


"I wouldn't blame you, but..."

I wouldn't blame you, but you've got such a blameable face
The kind of face that probably did something to someone, somewhere
And then bragged to all its friends that it got away with it
And then one of those friends told someone what it did
And now it's acting all persecuted and put upon
As if it hadn't done the thing in the first place
And even if it had, that was in another country
And besides, the wench is dead
You know, THAT kind of face
The kind of face that thinks nobody realizes what an asshole it is
When in reality, EVERYONE knows it's a shitty, abusive, jackass face
And it's always shocked, SHOCKED, when someone calls it out finally—
Oh, yeah, exactly! That exact look on your face now!
That's the face of someone who mistakes politeness for friendliness
Has coasted on ignoring that distinction for much too long
That cannot truly conceive why people would dislike it
Even after all that face has said and done to deserve scorn

"Turn the page..."

Turn the page on all that shit
And think, just for a moment at least
That this day will be different
And better
And that all the accreted hatred and fear
Whether deserved or not
Will fall away like a chrysalis
A thing that serves no further purpose
That today you will flex your newfound wings
The ones you didn’t know, or long forgot, you had
And fly, impossibly,
The way you always wanted to